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Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring ....or is it?

It has been so cold here recently you wouldn't even realize it was spring. I think our area's fruit crop is going to be pretty bad this year due to the cold. I just want a nice warm day so I can throw open the windows and get some fresh air in the house. Because nothing feels better than a light spring breeze blowing through the window. It clears out all they yucky winter feeling and just makes things feel fresher.

That always gets me in the mood for spring cleaning. But WAIT, I don't like spring cleaning! Ok, well I suppose that's not entirely true, but I dread the fight I get to have with my kids about what jobs they get to do or what clothes they need to get rid of or throw away because they are just too small or worn.

But I'll do it anyway. My favorite spring cleaning tool came from here. The printables are pretty enough to hang on the fridge or wall, and are detailed enough to cover pretty much any task that spring cleaning should cover.

So hopefully in a week or two things will warm up and I can get in the mood for spring. And if you have any ideas about sorting winter to summer clothes let me know or any other spring cleaning tips you'd like to share. I can always use the help!

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